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What is the Significant Role of Technology in Educational Growth?

What is the Significant Role of Technology in Educational Growth?

What is the Significant Role of Technology in Educational Growth?

In today’s world, technology is the backbone of the educational sector. In 2019, with the Covid-19 outbreak, traditional methods became insufficient to resolve educational hurdles. At such a stage, technology emerges as one of the biggest helpers for educational institutes. The educational technology providers become the best source for educational institutes to get the best education ERP software. Since then till now, educational technology acts as a vital source to connect education with the students.

But one of the main questions is how it impacts education growth? Almost everyone knows that old traditional methods often kill creativity and sticks with the grading system. So what about the technology and new innovations? Are they following the same pattern?

The answer is the “Big No,” the new methodologies and innovations that enable students to think out of the box. Even those topics that were previously hard for students to understand on the basis of imagination become easy. The digital classroom allows educators to represent complex topics in an easy way. So what is the role of technology in educational growth? Let’s continue reading this blog to know more.

Role of Technology in Educational Growth

Generally, technology is known to be the helping hand or the presenter of the knowledge. It enables learners to learn things more effectively than ever before. For instance, knowledge is embedded in technology like digital classrooms, television, media, or the internet and represented to the learner in a convenient way. In short, technology serves as a tool to support knowledge and make it presentable in front of learners.

This means that technology plays a significant role in representing the knowledge and letting the learners get more connected. But how it supports educational growth? Let’s find the role of technology in educational growth below.

1. Tracks Student’s Performance

You may think that tracking student’s performance is never the complex task ever. Teachers can form the reports as per the grades students get in their exams. So how is technology being different than traditional teaching? Well, tracking student’s performance is never about the grades they get, but the performance they show.

Let’s make it simple. If a student A gets 20 out of 100 in his first exam and then 45 out of 100 in his final exam, then the grading system will only tell that he fails to succeed.

But deep down, if you study, then you will see that student A continues to put effort and get more than double marks in his final exams. This is how technology tracks student’s performance is enabling teachers to know which student is progressing and which student requires more attention.

2. Help Students to Digest Knowledge Easily

One of the significant roles technology plays in educational growth is letting the learners digest the knowledge easily. Student often finds it difficult to concentrate on the long lectures. The topics never relate to the real world that makes it harder for the students to understand.

For instance, the long lectures related to astrology never let students link it with the real world. But technology made it easier by letting educators show the space, planets and explain the topic easily.

This is the change that brings educational growth and lets the students understand the topics more easily. Therefore, technology improves learning and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of both sides.

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